Tag: entrepreneur

May 27, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Destiny Many want to shape their own destiny, and earn their daily bread, by running their own business. Governments should set a simple framework (basic rule of law, taxation, property rights) & get out of the way.  The power of trade, markets, competition, choice & innovation will unleash entrepreneurs.  State interventions & onerous rules suppress…

May 8, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Play Board games teach strategic thinking & entrepreneurship.  De-stress with dice & do an off-duty MBA!  Plus faster networking than golf.  2017 US board game sales $1.17bn – up 7% in a year Guessed the Word?      Series 23 (8/8)       [pic: catan/ Eric Chamberland] 

April 13, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Nothing Having no money forces us to be both creative & frugal – valuable skills for any entrepreneur to possess Guessed the Word?        Series 22 (5/8)     [pic: Klaus Hausmann]

February 16, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

  Circus Now worldwide & influences every art form: 1768 Waterloo, London – Philip Astley, entrepreneur/ showman/ acrobatic horse-rider’s 42ft circle in the ground with dazzling clowns, acrobats, strongmen, jugglers & bareback riders astounded spectators. The magic endures Guessed the Word?          Series 19 (4/7)         [pic: Peter Blake]

January 24, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Entrepreneurs 45% of start-up entrepreneurs have another job, and put in 60 to 70 hours a week to make both work  Guessed the Word?     Series 18 (4/5)      [pic: Pixel Anarchy]

June 5, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Teamwork Sole entrepreneurs are a minority.  Even Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs had co-founder partners in the crucial early years.  Most successful firms are started by teams Guessed the word?  Series 4 (6/6)    [photo: Mariusz Szymaszek]

February 26, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Olderpreneurs Over-50s are the new start-up generation, accounting for 43% of new UK businesses.  They’re more likely to innovate, and be trading 5 years later, than under-35’s.  Technology is ageless; whether you’re 10 or 100, the driver-less car takes you where you wish to go.  Get older workers to design products & services for younger…