Month: June 2017

June 30, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Design Objects that appear simple, but solve key problems beautifully are the mark of great design – Apple Design Chief says we still don’t have a good soap dispenser Guessed the word?  Series 5 (1/4)  [photo: stevepb]

June 28, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Annual reports At 135 pages, the average report is now 50% longer than 10 years ago. As clear as mud. Guessed the word?  Series 5 (2/4)  [photo: PellissierJP] 

June 16, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Guess the Word  and Contact Us for prizes!  Series 5 starts soon. 1st letter of each post Title (in a Series) spells a business word  (which may be spelt correctly, backwards, jumbled up or as anagrams).  Previous answers: Series 4 spelt  F-I-T-P-R-O   (PROFIT) Series 3 spelt  A-L-D-I-G-T-I   (DIGITAL) Series 2 spelt  N-O-I-T-P-Y-R-C-N-E   (ENCRYPTION) Series 1 spelt…

June 15, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Overboarding Trust executives to manage their own workload, but those with too many roles can’t do their duties properly. Over-burdened directors may fall short of what’s required Guessed the Word?  Series 4 (3/6)   [photo: AnjaPetrol]

June 14, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Retail theatre Selfridge’s Work It Lab gets together forward-thinking employees to devise & champion new ways of working. “There’s no fun like work” ~ Harry Gordon Selfridge, 1909 Guessed the Word?  Series 4 (2/6)   [photo: cezary_p]

June 12, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Passport The EU burgundy-red booklet permits visa-free travel to 147 countries.  A globe-trotter’s dream Guessed the word?  Series 4  (1/6 )  [photo: wisegeek]

June 5, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Teamwork Sole entrepreneurs are a minority.  Even Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs had co-founder partners in the crucial early years.  Most successful firms are started by teams Guessed the word?  Series 4 (6/6)    [photo: Mariusz Szymaszek]

June 2, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Institutional investors Pension funds are making unusual investments: Rabobank is landlord of Dutch sex shops, M&G property fund has bingo halls. Cast the net widely to generate a fixed stream of cash Guessed the word?   Series 4 (5/6)   [photo: Espressolia]