Category: Series 62 – Axiom

August 10, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Guess the Word  and Contact Us for Prizes!  Series 63 starts soon…. 1st letter of each Post Title (in a Series) spells a business word – spelt correctly or jumbled up.  Previous answers: Series 62  spelt  A-I-M-X-O  (AXIOM) Series 61  spelt  D-I-N-E-X-J  (JINXED) Series 60  spelt  T-R-I-C-K-Y-A-D-S  (YARDSTICK)   Series 59  spelt  H-E-Y-P   (HYPE) Series…

August 7, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Overstay Don’t overstay in your holiday city: working there changes your tax landscape, too.  Work income is taxed in the country where you work + your worldwide income is also taxed in the country where you usually reside.  If you’re a manager, your firm’s profits could also get taxed in the holiday city.  Pre-Covid19, UK…

August 5, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Xylella Another virulent infection with no cure striking fear across the world: Xylella.  Has dessicated 23,000 hectares of olive groves in S. Italy.  Now in France, Germany & Spain.  R rate of 19.  Spread by insects & infected plant imports.  520 UK species at risk, especially  olive, coffee plants, lavender, grapevines, cherry, almond, oak.  Early…

August 3, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Myth Debunk the myth that Covid-19 will make people abandon cities.  Expect a short exodus to the countryside, then the city will lure the best back.  Past plagues prove 2 things: we have short memories & cities are tenacious.  2018: 55% of the world’s population lived in cities.  Expected to rise to 68% by 2050. …

July 31, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Inversion Covid-19 will drop real estate prices & halt the “Great Inversion”: darkened luxury towers, bought as investments by absentee owners, are monuments to a crisis of success.  Inflows of knowledge workers, big firms & the global super-rich into cities (unlike past outflows from urban decay), led to unaffordable housing, inequality & segregated communities.  Cheaper property…

July 30, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Armageddon Will Covid-19 armageddon leave deserted city centres?  NO.  The past points to the future: cities actually expanded after previous plagues.  Finance, media, entertainment & high-tech won’t move out, as clustering merchants, workers, customers, universities, banks & investors produces huge innovation & productivity advantages.  Cities will continue to be where the action is.  A serene…