Category: Series 08 – Trade

September 8, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Guess the Word  and Contact Us for prizes!   Series 9 starts soon. 1st letter of each post Title (in a Series) spells a business word (spelt correctly, backwards, jumbled up or as an anagram).  Previous answers: Series 8 spelt  R-A-T-E-D   (TRADE) Series 7 spelt  P-A-L-N   (PLAN) Series 6 spelt  D-F-A-R-U   (FRAUD) Series 5 spelt  A-D-A-T   (DATA)…

September 6, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Disconnect France’s new Right to Disconnect laws say “NO!” to the tyranny of the inbox.  Send fewer emails. Reply thoughtfully & briefly Guessed the Word?      Series 8 (4/5)       [photo: WerbeFabrik] 

September 4, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

e-books 2017 is Year of the Shelfie.  Shelving sales up.  While  e-book sales falling, book sales up 6% & will rise for next 5 years.  We like the feel of the printed page and stylish covers Guessed the Word?        Series 8 (5/5)      [photo: jackmac34]

August 31, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Test Wrong project?   The courage to stop, or change direction, can lead to a better end result Guessed the Word?     Series 8 (1/5)     [photo: WikimediaImages]

August 25, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Accountants are the 4th most rated date-able professionals: after doctors, emergency service workers and artists.  Who counts? Guessed the Word?     Series 8 (3/5)     [photo: terimakasih0]

August 23, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Rock ‘n’ roll The King left the building 40 years ago (16 Aug 1977), but his rock ‘n’ roll, created by fusing blues, country and gospel, lives on. Create new from old – That’s All Right Guessed the Word?       Series 8 (2/5)       [photo: skeeze]