Tag: fireworks

September 30, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Space wars Spent satellites, or bits of them, are heading into space wars. 7,500+ satellites in orbit already, with >1,500 actively sending us data.  The ‘big enough sky for no collisions’ assumption no longer holds.  How will so many co-exist, zipping around Earth @ 17,500 mph while navigating a minefield of flotsam?  It’s getting crowded…

December 31, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

End of year 2018 SLUMP DUMP TRUMP.  Slump in oil price.  DUMP in stock markets – London FTSE, New York S&P, Europe Stoxx.  Then there’s TRUMP.  The only way from here is up!  Best wishes to all our readers for good health, enough wealth & lots of happy times in 2019 Guessed the Word?   …