Tag: construction

April 22, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Reopen Which sectors will reopen from lockdown first?  Construction, manufacturing, logistics, essential retail, waste handling & outdoor work – by staying 2m apart.  A population basis to reopen is ‘youth first’ – schools & young workers who don’t live with older folks.  Another brick out of the wall Guessed the Word?         …

September 16, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Kit homes Modular homes out of a kit go back over 100 yrs.  Sears, Roebuck & Co sold >70,000 home kits from 1908 to 1940.  Construction has changed far less by technology in the UK & US than other major industries.  Europe is ahead.  Where we want to build housing quickly near jobs, change is…

September 4, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Insolvent Die hard.  From a decade low in 2015, UK insolvencies have shot up 20%.  Out of 2018’s 17,439 corporate failures, construction was hit hardest with 3,940 insolvencies, despite the demand for new homes. Then admin/support firms (3,346), retail (2,608) & manufacturing (2,092).  Causes include Brexit uncertainty, business rates, pension enrolment & unsecured debt Guessed the…

April 29, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Gentrify Better to gentrify an area, or not gentrify?  Affluent professionals moving into poor areas are blamed for rising house prices, forcing others to re-locate & changing the city’s character.  But their money brings more jobs, better schools & less crime.  Ruth Glass’s 1960’s term ‘gentrification’ outlined the gentry’s move into London as it evolved…

August 2, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

Retention £1 billion! deducted by UK top 12 main contractors, from payments due to their supply chain, as security for performance.  Not held in ring-fenced account, so small firms lose when retention-taker goes bust. And tied-up sums don’t help construction sector productivity & improvement Guessed the Word?     Series 6 (2/5)      [photo: Meditations]…