Guess the Word and Contact Us for prizes! Series 22 starts soon….. 1st letter of each post Title (in a Series) spells a business word – spelt correctly, backwards, jumbled up or as an anagram. Previous answers: Series 21 spelt C-A-B-K-A-P-Y (PAYBACK) Series 20 spelt L-A-B-L-O-G (GLOBAL) Series 19 spelt C-U-E-S-S-C-S (SUCCESS) Series 18 spelt M-E-N-O-Y (MONEY) Series 17 spelt T-U-N-E-R-E-V …
Category: Series 21 – Payback
Y Combinator incubator motto ‘make something people want’ grooms entrepreneurs in 3-month bootcamp. Can a formula create founder fairy tales? Guessed the Word? Series 21 (3/7) [pic: nathan fertig]
Plastic By 2050, more plastic than fish, by weight, in the sea? Plastic Bank exchange platform uses blockchain digital currency to incentivize plastic waste collection, & recycle into pellets for manufacturing & 3D printing Guessed the Word? Series 21 (1/7) [pic:simisi1]
Analytics More personal information being captured than ever before. 15,000 data points about a viewer can be collected in 5-min website session Guessed the Word? Series 21 (5/7) [pic: geralt]
Kabuki Even giant businesses who’ve mastered the ancient Japanese theatre art face reality sooner or later. Unmasking the illusion can be sudden & unexpected Guessed the Word? Series 21 (7/7) [pic: taniadimas]
Blockchain Algorithms that allow cryptocurrencies to be traded & verified over a computer network without a central ledger. Initially sceptical, banks now exploring the tech to speed up back-office settlement systems Guessed the Word? Series 21 (4/7) [pic: kindfolk]
Antics Antics at some events discredit the entire sector. Time to stop using showgirls to sell property and cars? Guessed the Word? Series 21 (2/7) [pic: alabama]
Cash is king. Used in 80% of payments in Germany, 50% in UK and USA, 45% in Holland, but Sweden is becoming cashless. €500 “Bin Laden” note (few have seen, but many recognize) being phased out by end-2018 Guessed the Word? Series 21 (6/7) [pic: CNN]