Category: K

June 29, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Keep score Current & future clients, suppliers & workers keep score of how firms behave.  During Covid-19, we’ve learnt to count paid/ unpaid contributions, and recognise decent/ poor conduct.  Firms’ social capital, brand & goodwill are being immeasurably, but markedly, changed by the crisis.  The financial tally will follow Guessed the Word?       …

April 17, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Killed Killed by Covid-19:  forecasting experts, extrapolating into the future, based on the past.  Better to embrace uncertainty, build resilience & stocks, allow a margin of error, and respect diverse views.  Revived by Covid-19:  common sense & trusting our own instincts Guessed the Word?             Series 56 (4/8)       …

January 21, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Key clues 2020 Where to find 2020 key clues for business?  In the biggest warehouse of information – the internet.  Data from wifi-enabled devices, location-tracking mobile phones, public data scraped from the web, sentiments on social media, credit card transactions & jobs statistics – much intelligence can be gleaned from these about what will appear…

September 16, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Kit homes Modular homes out of a kit go back over 100 yrs.  Sears, Roebuck & Co sold >70,000 home kits from 1908 to 1940.  Construction has changed far less by technology in the UK & US than other major industries.  Europe is ahead.  Where we want to build housing quickly near jobs, change is…

July 12, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Kitchen Wimbledon has 50 kitchens & 364 chefs to feed 39,000 fans daily.  Plus competitors, match officials, staff, club members & >3,000 always-hungry media reps.  And serve lunch, afternoon tea & end-of-the-day drinks to 74 guests in the Royal Box overlooking Centre Court.  26 on-site restaurants and 33 grab-&-go kiosks.  Faultless service expected & delivered Guessed…

September 21, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

  Kilo The Kibble Balance, an exquisitely accurate weighing machineloosens France’s grip on the kiloas it measures mass more accurately.  From 1790s, 1 kg = a cylinder of metal (which changes weight as it reacts with air) in a Paris vault.  The Kibble, a 1975 British invention, defines weight against the Planck constant, one of…

June 29, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Kiosk 1881 First public phone box in Berlin‘s Potsdamer Platz.  Most perfect version of this miniature building type is Giles Gilbert Scott’s 1924 design competition win: the classic red K2 was voted 1 of top 10 British design icons in 2006. Bolted cast-iron sections, domed roof, teak door, concrete base.  1,700 installed; about 200 remain…

March 21, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Kabuki Even giant businesses who’ve mastered the ancient Japanese theatre art face reality sooner or later.  Unmasking the illusion can be sudden & unexpected Guessed the Word?         Series 21 (7/7)           [pic: taniadimas]

October 16, 2017 admin123@ No comments exist

K-pop Smartphones. Cars.  Now South Korean pop music is a global export, with cute performers, catchy beats & elaborate choreography.  Population of 51m is world’s 8th-largest recorded-music market, by sales. 2012 Gangnam Style video was 1st to surpass 1bn, then 2bn, views on YouTube.   Guessed the Word?  Series 10 (8/8)  [photo: Public_Domain_Photo]