Keep score Current & future clients, suppliers & workers keep score of how firms behave. During Covid-19, we’ve learnt to count paid/ unpaid contributions, and recognise decent/ poor conduct. Firms’ social capital, brand & goodwill are being immeasurably, but markedly, changed by the crisis. The financial tally will follow Guessed the Word? …
Category: K
Killed Killed by Covid-19: forecasting experts, extrapolating into the future, based on the past. Better to embrace uncertainty, build resilience & stocks, allow a margin of error, and respect diverse views. Revived by Covid-19: common sense & trusting our own instincts Guessed the Word? Series 56 (4/8) …
Key clues 2020 Where to find 2020 key clues for business? In the biggest warehouse of information – the internet. Data from wifi-enabled devices, location-tracking mobile phones, public data scraped from the web, sentiments on social media, credit card transactions & jobs statistics – much intelligence can be gleaned from these about what will appear…
Kit homes Modular homes out of a kit go back over 100 yrs. Sears, Roebuck & Co sold >70,000 home kits from 1908 to 1940. Construction has changed far less by technology in the UK & US than other major industries. Europe is ahead. Where we want to build housing quickly near jobs, change is…
Kitchen Wimbledon has 50 kitchens & 364 chefs to feed 39,000 fans daily. Plus competitors, match officials, staff, club members & >3,000 always-hungry media reps. And serve lunch, afternoon tea & end-of-the-day drinks to 74 guests in the Royal Box overlooking Centre Court. 26 on-site restaurants and 33 grab-&-go kiosks. Faultless service expected & delivered Guessed…
Kilo The Kibble Balance, an exquisitely accurate weighing machineloosens France’s grip on the kiloas it measures mass more accurately. From 1790s, 1 kg = a cylinder of metal (which changes weight as it reacts with air) in a Paris vault. The Kibble, a 1975 British invention, defines weight against the Planck constant, one of…
Kiosk 1881 First public phone box in Berlin‘s Potsdamer Platz. Most perfect version of this miniature building type is Giles Gilbert Scott’s 1924 design competition win: the classic red K2 was voted 1 of top 10 British design icons in 2006. Bolted cast-iron sections, domed roof, teak door, concrete base. 1,700 installed; about 200 remain…
Kabuki Even giant businesses who’ve mastered the ancient Japanese theatre art face reality sooner or later. Unmasking the illusion can be sudden & unexpected Guessed the Word? Series 21 (7/7) [pic: taniadimas]
K-pop Smartphones. Cars. Now South Korean pop music is a global export, with cute performers, catchy beats & elaborate choreography. Population of 51m is world’s 8th-largest recorded-music market, by sales. 2012 Gangnam Style video was 1st to surpass 1bn, then 2bn, views on YouTube. Guessed the Word? Series 10 (8/8) [photo: Public_Domain_Photo]