Guess the Word and Contact Us for Prizes! Series 53 starts soon….. 1st letter of each Post Title (in a Series) spells a business word – spelt correctly or jumbled up. Previous answers: Series 52 spelt R-O-B-B-I-N (RIBBON) Series 51 spelt P-A-W-W-I-S-H (WHIPSAW) Series 50 spelt L-I-O-N-S-M-E-E-T (MILESTONE) Series 49 spelt C-G-U-R-N-E-Y (URGENCY) Series 48 spelt …
Tag: seek
Ordinary Yesterday’s ‘wow!’ quickly becomes ordinary. Customers are divinely discontent, & their expectations always go up. But if it wasn’t human nature to seek something better, we’d still be leading primitive lives in caves Guessed the Word? Series 25 (2/5) [pic: joel bengs]