No-frills airlines Grab cheap Europe flights before fares go up, up & away. 200 airlines operate. Top 6 have 43% of the market & profit $7 per passenger. US started no-frills, but has 1/2 as many airlines. Top 6 have 90% of market & double the profit, as foreigners can’t operate domestic flights. Mergers of…
Tag: plane
Flypast 10 July flypast over Buckingham Palace, 100 days after Britain’s Royal Air Force centenary on 1 April. 22 Typhoons form ‘100’ in the sky, after 3 weeks secret practice over the North Sea. Per ardua ad astra – “Through struggle to the stars”. Each plane costs £110m ($145m), and £4,000 ($5,300) to fly for 1 hour. …