Tag: patent

October 22, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Xerox Today, 22 Oct: 82 years since this 1st xerographic image in 1938. Laid off from Bell Labs, Chester Carlson studied law & got a job copying patent drawings by hand.  Bored, he experimented in a makeshift lab in Astoria, NY.  10-year search before Haleoid Co turned his invention into a useful product.  Haleoid became…

May 29, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Intangibles Can’t see or touch intangibles, but they’re now more valuable than buildings, machinery, vehicles & computers.  Examples: brands, intellectual property, design expertise, trademarks.  Intangible asset Mickey Mouse’s copyright extended from 1984 to beyond 2023!  To win in an intangible world, invest in education, information & communication technology, urban planning, science and R&D Guessed the…

November 21, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

Trademark Can’t protect shape, colour & taste through trademarks.  They’re not distinctive enough to be seen as a mark of origin without the brand name/ logo.  Courts have refused copyright applications for London taxi and KitKat shapes, Cadbury’s specific shade of purple, & the taste of spreadable cheese.  Have a break Guessed the Word?     …