Flight 25 Aug 1919: 1st international scheduled flight from Hounslow, London to Paris carrying 1 passenger, leather, grouse & Devon cream. 1976: 1st Concorde supersonic commercial flights with 100 passengers; British Airways to Bahrain & Air France to Rio. 2018: Global passengers 8.8bn, annual increase of 6%. By 2037, Asia’s passengers will exceed N. America…
Tag: Paris
Kilo The Kibble Balance, an exquisitely accurate weighing machineloosens France’s grip on the kiloas it measures mass more accurately. From 1790s, 1 kg = a cylinder of metal (which changes weight as it reacts with air) in a Paris vault. The Kibble, a 1975 British invention, defines weight against the Planck constant, one of…
Neon In last 10 years, iconic neon signage regaining popularity. 1912 neon’s red glow 1st used to advertise Paris barber’s shop. Popularity peaked in 1930s. Fell out of favour by end of 1940s, except in Las Vegas. Most vintage signs come from the US and advertise beer Guessed the Word? Series 28…