8/9) Tatters Left in tatters due to inept government handling of Covid-19: the hopes & dreams of many businesses. The ambitions & careers of countless workers. Left to themselves, people will manage the virus better without official instructions, as they can adjust precautions to suit their circumstances. Hyperactive, hype-full ministers can’t keep the main thing…
Tag: government
Owe If you owe it to yourself, do you really owe it? After years of quantitative easing (“printing money”), the world’s central banks own 1/5 of their respective countries’ debt. But central banks are owned by their States. So, the owners of the government debt are the governments themselves. Funny money Guessed the Word? …
Licence Members of an occupation love licences as they keep others out. 1 in 5 UK workers – twice as many as 15 years ago – now needs a permit from government to do their job, including security guards, art therapists, social workers. Are they any better than they were? Work life is tied up…
Sleep Lack of sleep knocks 2% off UK GDP, and causes more accidents than alcohol & drugs combined. But firms & government ignore it. 2 in 5 people in the UK aren’t getting the sleep they need Guessed the Word? Series 22 (7/8) [pic:…
Burden Overall effect of numerous regulations is a heavy load on small business. UK govt wants to check tech/ military deals over £1m (was £70m). More red-tape = more executive time on form-filling, while overseas competitors win customers. Guessed the Word? Series 11(3/4) [photo: joakant]