Tag: connect

January 24, 2020 admin123@ No comments exist

Unravel Outlook 2020: global supply chains will unravel.  Trade wars, tariffs, Brexit & new populist governments will unwind world manufacturing & service links. Those connections had increased cooperation & lowered costs through economies of scale.  Breaking up is hard to do, will slow innovation & raise costs for consumers.  Unhappy bunny Guessed  the Word?     …

September 6, 2019 admin123@ No comments exist

Guess the Word  and Contact Us for Prizes!  Series 48 starts soon….. 1st letter of each Post Title (in a Series) spells a business word – spelt correctly or jumbled up.  Previous answers: Series 47  spelt  F-L-A-Y-Q-U-I   (QUALIFY) Series 46  spelt  E-L-V-Y   (LEVY) Series 45  spelt  H-A-R-D-A-Z   (HAZARD) Series 44  spelt  N-I-C-E-K-I-T  (KINETIC) Series 43  spelt …