Keep score Current & future clients, suppliers & workers keep score of how firms behave. During Covid-19, we’ve learnt to count paid/ unpaid contributions, and recognise decent/ poor conduct. Firms’ social capital, brand & goodwill are being immeasurably, but markedly, changed by the crisis. The financial tally will follow Guessed the Word? …
Tag: brand
Intangibles Can’t see or touch intangibles, but they’re now more valuable than buildings, machinery, vehicles & computers. Examples: brands, intellectual property, design expertise, trademarks. Intangible asset Mickey Mouse’s copyright extended from 1984 to beyond 2023! To win in an intangible world, invest in education, information & communication technology, urban planning, science and R&D Guessed the…
Typeface Do typefaces have intrinsic meaning or price tags? Many pricey brands have changed logos to simple all-capitals sans-serif, crisp-angle letters; signifying luxury by no-nonsense boldness, not fussy extras or standing out. Surveys show we view sharp, chiselled fonts as more high-end. Luxury is about timeless, enduring value – current yet classic, expensive but worth…
Evergreen Just as evergreens signify permanence, brands can pass on emotional values down the years. Despite company failure, the best brands have a long-lasting romance & history, which can be re-invigorated Guessed the Word? Series 35 (4/8) [pic: Kappa]
Trademark Can’t protect shape, colour & taste through trademarks. They’re not distinctive enough to be seen as a mark of origin without the brand name/ logo. Courts have refused copyright applications for London taxi and KitKat shapes, Cadbury’s specific shade of purple, & the taste of spreadable cheese. Have a break Guessed the Word? …
Influencer We’ve always had influencers.Celebrities promoting brands & products. Royal Warrants. What’s changed is who we trust – from those with power to those who resonate with us. “People like me” are the most trusted sources of information.But regulators should force influencers pushing goods/ services to declare any commercial relationship Guessed the Word? …
Cheese UK cheese sales recovering after falling for 2 years. Spend on bestseller cheddar up 3.9%. Shops’ own-labels growing ahead of branded cheese. 1/2 the top 20 brands are now in growth. Cheese-making is both art & science – from identical ingredients & recipes, different cheese makers make different cheeses Guessed the Word? …
Ultramarine Value comes from a commodity’s use & how hard it is to get/make. Until synthetic created in 1826, the finest blue was powdered Afghan lapis lazuli, costlier than gold. YInMn (YIN-min) is the 1st new blue pigment in 200 years. Safe, durable, heat-reflecting, enviro-friendly. Will be very valuable: blue is USA’s favourite colour &…
Underdog Brands can profit from positioning as the underdog. Determination to triumph against the odds has a strong appeal – in events (dive rescue of Thai boys), sport (Wimbledon, World Cup), books (Harry Potter), clothes (the humble waistcoat), or business Guessed the Word? Series 27 (5/7) [pic:…
Spirit Values are more important than strategy. The spirit in which a firm does business augments or diminishes its financial position, making those who interact with it feel good or bad Guessed the Word? Series 14 (4/4) [photo: paulo-rodrigues]