Tag: accurate

September 21, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

  Kilo The Kibble Balance, an exquisitely accurate weighing machineloosens France’s grip on the kiloas it measures mass more accurately.  From 1790s, 1 kg = a cylinder of metal (which changes weight as it reacts with air) in a Paris vault.  The Kibble, a 1975 British invention, defines weight against the Planck constant, one of…

September 17, 2018 admin123@ No comments exist

  Enough Enough to remember just 3 words to find anywhere, including street-less villages & uninhabited spots.  2013 invention by London startup used geocoordinates to divide Earth into 57tn squares of 3m x 3m (100 sqft), each with unique word combinations. The system is as accurate as the best GPS.  Available in many languages, but oceans…